Reader Reviews
Our Man Adelaide: The Series
Schiller's Best Series Yet! Martin has always rewarded his readers with well-researched plots, intricate worlds, and interesting characters. His material can be sober and serious, or funny, and filled with wit. This is especially true with his “Our Man Adelaide” series. Be prepared to revisit some of the most pivotal events in the 20th Century…and for some surprises that you will not see coming.
The God of Eight Banners: One of my Favorites. Once again Adelaide and Wentworth go to Germany, but this time it’s Nazi Germany and they’re there to secretly recruit Jews to safely resettle in the East. Right away, they’re dealing with high-level dissidents who don’t support Hitler—and then, true to the ‘Our Man’ universe, everything gets crazy. Not only is this a great adventure story, but it highlights the fact that not everyone felt the same way about the Nazis, or for the same reasons, and later, it gives us a look at World War 2 from the Japanese perspective, which is something you don’t often read about. For Westerners it might be a challenging read, but it’s worth the time.
Progress Always Has A Price. The World is set to ignite in the flames of war, but that doesn't mean old enemies would mind starting the party off early. If you like intrigue and scandal then by all means read on.
Part detective story, part spy story, part magic, and martial arts. “Our Man Adelaide” occupies a genre of its own, and once you start, that you won’t be able to put it down.
Memorable Characters. Raised as Ninja, and working for the English Secret Service, Adelaide DeMarcy and her companions remind me of the old “Avengers” series, with all its charm and style, but with new twists and turns.
The Dark Grove: A Growing World and the Pains to Go With It. The beginning of the twentieth century was the beginning of a remarkable period. Behind the scenes were sabotage, assassinations and adjusting to coworkers. It's a wonder Adelaide didn't have a stroke during all of it. But at the very least she was not bored and neither will you be if you decide to enter the world of her exploits.
Don’t Trust Journalists or Historians. This fiction series combines conspiracy theories with documented history, and good old-fashioned adventure. Oh…and magic. Ever wonder who or what really sunk the Titanic, or what the real causes of World War 1 and 2 were? How about Atlantis and its survivors? Read, and find out. History is NOT what you think.
The Faceless Man (Book 1); A thorough and engaging examination of Great Britain and Japan at the turn of the Twentieth Century. This is also matched by satire and sarcasm as our characters travel about to prevent sinister forces from having their way with the politics of the simmering pot which is Europe. If you enjoy history, well written characters and espionage, then settle in and stroll through the pages with your eyes. You will be amply rewarded for your time.
A Ninja and a Psychic Walk Into a Bar: Schiller takes the oddest elements and combines them to create a truly engaging cast of characters. Although they each have their strengths, they also have their flaws, which make them entirely believable. A fun romp.
I want to say this is a remarkably well written alternative history novel but it's also so much more than that. It's also an exciting dystopian story and a serious commentary on freedom and those who would try to control us. And I was also very impressed how this male author gave voice to his heroine. All and all, a genuinely interesting and entertaining read....
You think you know what to expect, but you don't. Never. And that is what makes this book so delightful... You will not be bored. You will question and you will learn if you are willing to do so...
I liked this book! A beautifully written, heady fusion of multiple genres written from the point of view of Penny, a wealthy steam-era, tight laced gentlewoman, bold aviatrix, revolutionary and, oh yeah … lesbian... lovely descriptive language (once I got used the old-world style), engaging characters, great action and full of wonderful ideas...
Sci-fi for Thinkers...While the story itself is fun, the fact that it works best when considered as a framework for the philosophical elements makes it intriguing and well worth mulling over long after the story has ended...
I once again thoroughly enjoyed this journey. Specifically the reveal of Scotland's greatest legend, Penelope coming to terms with her demons, the purpose of power and even God.
Following the trend of the first book it provides necessary levity and a mirror to examine not only the times we live in but ourselves. As we should. While couched in the customs and dialect of a Victorian lady the message is not lost and is in fact grand because of it: Legends are not born of accidents. They are forged...
Blackbird. 5 star listening ! Excellent story, Can't put it down. Many surprises at every turn. Listen to it!
A Legacy to The Twilight Zone. Here we are again questioning everything and seeing Penelope fall on her face to learn yet more lessons. This includes one of the most important lessons of all: Just because you have power, doesn't mean you know how to use it or that you should. But as with all things this lesson is best learned through real world experience. And some able friends don't hurt. All this and more inside!...
More great writing! Enjoyed it and like the factor of growth with the story and the twist at the end leaves it open for the next phase... Good book. Looking forward to more. :) Love all the timelines and play with time.
Entertainment at its finest. The detail brings pictures to mind that keep one on their toes. A must have.
A Beautiful Ending to a Beautiful Love Story. Riveting story with captivating characters. Walk through their lives with them, feel what they feel. A good book for all ages...
Bigger Stakes Bigger Laughs. A fitting end to a long journey this book will once again demand your mind to earn its' keep in your head. The parts of this book I found most delightful were the bemoaning of how the French stood in the way of English glory, a conspiracy theory and Jesus rebuking Penelope for her stuborness. Worth reading, worth listening to and worth pondering the lessons within...
The "Sisterhood of Suns" Series
Awesome Vision…Strap on your battle kit, check your Mark 7 blaster battery and make sure to have plenty of GSG-20 smart grenades for your adventure in this book...
Schiller has created a credible, intricate world of the future with enough high-tech touches that you feel solidly grounded in a space-faring universe without detracting from the human elements of the story. Fans of military fiction, hard sci-fi, and character driven stories with large casts like Game of Thrones will find a lot to love here...
The books I read are few and far between, so when I say that this is the best book I have read in years, I want you to understand that it is not only something I read, but that I read it the same way a starving man eats...with an insatiable desire for more…
This story grabbed me right from the beginning…great details, good storyline...a no brainer, gonna buy the next book...
Martin Schiller is a Master storyteller, he draws you into this futuristic world of adventure and does not disappoint…
Highly enjoyable, well-crafted characters and great plot…once you start reading it, you won't want to put the book down, it’s that good…
It has the feel of golden age sci-fi, while still keeping a very modern tone. The feel is very serious and mirrors a lot of contemporary issues... the author builds to an ending which is mind blowing.
The world building was excellent throughout, and I became more and more invested in the characters as the story went on. The beginning of this last book was difficult because it was difficult for the heroines, even if the world they inhabited didn't have clear right and wrong at times... Not an easy trilogy to read through, but very worthwhile."